Nowadays, forced by globalization and the enormous pressure to reduce costs, new instruments are being searched to reduce personnel costs. After setting free personnel in order to do so there is now even a lack of personnel in some areas. Thus, the quality of the employees is a more and more growing criterion for success.
With this background, the utilization of personality profiles for suitability diagnoses gains importance. The investments to find suitable and qualified employees are to be kept low and effective right from the start. To avoid wasting money, there is the need of a precise analysis with valid results for the applicant and the job gap to be filled. The Identity Compass® finds this optimal relation.
The Identity Compass® supports the necessary fixing of job specific requirements. The test of the applicant is performed directly at the computer. Personnel managers can concentrate their time on the final selection of particularly interesting and most suitable applicants that way. The software helps to have lower expenses with the test based aptitude diagnosis while increasing the quality of the analysis and its objectivity. With that, a requirement-orientated test method for job placement is also within the means of medium sized companies.