You Benefit As Entrepreneur

Preparing And Carrying Out Mergers

Two out of three mergers fail. Why?

Facts and figures were double-checked, product portfolios fit perfectly and still the merger goes wrong. Hence the different cultures of the participating companies, respectively, bad preparation of the merger spoils the game.

Having revealed your own company’s mostly unknown culture as well as your future partners´, the foundation of decisions broadens enormously. Beyond it and in case of an affirmative decision it makes it much easier to develop strategies for implementing the perfect merger.

Finding The Ideal Successor

For the time being there are just in Germany almost 80.000 family owned companies with approximately 1 million employees to be handed over to a successor year by year. The Identity Compass® helps to find and select the ideal successor for the company.

Preparing For And Going Into New Markets

As a result of the massively accelerating globalization, a new market’s culture has to be regarded.

Reducing the Fluctuation Rate

If employees feel well in their job, their inner willingness to change the job will decrease. Analyzing the job and increasing the employee’s contentedness is the task of the Identity Compass®


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