You Benefit As Team

Diagnosing Problems In Teams

When there are problems in a team, the Identity Compass® facilitates a fast analysis of the problems by means of a team utilization. It is made visible at first sight which preferences in thinking have problems with each other or create problems. Having that knowledge, a simple explanation of structures in thinking can already lead to an improvement of the situation.

Introducing Solutions

Subsequent to the team evaluation there can be more means of strengthening the understanding of the mutual preferences in thinking. Each thinking style’s advantages can be shown and the team members will get to know how the different approaches that can be combined optimally. These activities can be fully integrated by aimed exercises. Thus, the team is given the ability to find its own solutions and to integrate them in their everyday lives.

Optimising Teamwork

The Identity Compass® shows which factors make a team successful and how they should be combined efficiently. Thereby, teamwork is possible after all.

Creating A Higher Job Contentment

When a team member is solving a task fitting his working style and adapting to his preferences, he is experiencing a high job contentment. This increases the employee’s inner motivation and productivity.


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