The Identity Compass®

The Identity Compass® is an innovative personnel selection tool which uses an inventory of "thinking structures". It registers how people think and make decisions in typical work situations. It points out what motivates employees, what their values are and what their career goals are. The Identity Compass® gives clear guidance on which employees are likely to perform best in which situations and how improvement can best be achieved.

The Identity Compass® will help you understand how candidates will perform under stress, work in a team, or how best to motivate them to succeed on the job. It is actually possible to accurately estimate how long an employee is likely to stay on a particular job.

The Identity Compass® registers thinking styles, personal motivations, factors and their realization, the method of information recording and processing as well as personal assets (skill sets). From that, a multi-layered, precise, personal profile results. When there has been made a desirable profile before, the results can be evaluated in comparison to this one. Also a comparison of the profiles of a whole team can be made. All results will be presented and visualized clearly. The identity compass can be used to create an "All Star Team" of employees that are highly likely to work well together.

Various internationally active combines, for some time, already use the principles of the Identity Compass® for their requirement profiles and job descriptions. It has pointed out that vacancies can be filled faster and with more suitable employees than with other, more common ways. The demands in content of a vacancy are subject to a continuous change in today’s times. The demands in structures last longer and can be represented by preferences of thinking and acting. The Identity Compass® now offers the possibility to register these preferences of thinking and acting for single employees or teams.

The Identity Compass® is scientifically guided Dr David Scheffer. Dr Scheffer is specialized in research on motives.


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