Identity Compass® JobMotivation Edition

The JobMotivation Edition is a scientifically founded instrument to analyse jobs. It considers all newer theories and models concerning job motivation. Due to the JobMotivation Edition it was possible to prove the correlation between satisfaction at work and achievement in a scientific way the very first time. This was realized by making a distinction between factors that de-motivate and factors that motivate.

  • Personal Benefits

    • Registering the actual job's realisation and development potential
    • Optimal link between job and person by combining JobMotivation Edition and Professional Edition
  • Benefits for Enterprises

    • Shows the actual climate within the organisation
    • Valid results concerning the contentedness and motivation at work
    • Increase of the company's success by motivated and contend employees
  • Advantages of the JobMotivation Edition

    • Detailed analysis of the factors of job motivation and contentment
    • Knowledge as basis for operations to develop the organisation
    • Analysis of the employees' expectations of the future


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